Please see attached Week 1 Discussion ONE  · How do you think a course on statistics can help you be successful in a DNP

Please see attached

Week 1 Discussion ONE 

· How do you think a course on statistics can help you be successful in a DNP (Doctor of Nursing) program and in your work as a DNP-prepared advanced nurse practitioner. At least two paragraphs to explore the role of DNP-APRN in translational research, change projects, or research. Does the DNP-APRN usually conduct these projects alone or within an interdisciplinary team? Cite at least two sources (other than the textbook) for this response.

· What topic related to nursing practice and patient outcomes interests you now? (Mental health specifically substance use disorder and cultural competence in mental health care). Find a research study on that topic and provide the purpose statement/aim/objective exactly as it is stated in the study (this is usually found in the paragraph immediately before the Methods section – do not use the one from the abstract). Using the words from this statement in the article you find, identify:

·  The population (the people like the sample for the study)

· The variables (the topics (not the population) in the purpose statement

· Label each variable as an independent variable (the variable that is the cause or is being manipulated) or dependent variable (the outcome of the use of the independent variable)

· Sometimes there is only one variable – call that a variable of interest

· Give an example of a variable relevant to a DNP project that relates to patient outcomes that can be measured at each of these levels of measurement and identify whether the variable is a categorical or continuous variable and the most relevant descriptive statistic (mean with standard deviation or frequency) to report for the variable. You need to give four different methods of measuring the same variable – One for each level of measurement:

· Nominal

· Ordinal

· Interval

· Ratio

· How are the skills involved in using a spreadsheet program like Excel useful in evidence-based practice? Provide 3-5 sentences based on one website or article that discusses the use of statistical software.

Discussion TWO

The introduction of a practice doctorate has been controversial. While many believe that our complex healthcare system requires practice leaders to be prepared as a doctoral level, others believe that it is not necessary and may draw nurses away from PhD programs which will eventually impact on the development of nursing science. It is important that you, as a future DNP, be aware of the history, the intentions, and the controversies around the development of practice doctorate programs. You need to be prepared to argue the pros and the cons of the DNP including the impact on local, regional, and national healthcare system, nursing as a profession and nursing science, and you as a nurse leader. 


Start your WebQuest with the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing’s DNP web page: 

to an external site.


Be sure to thoroughly explore the DNP essentials: 

to an external site.


Now, explore what other professional nursing organizations have to say about the DNP. Start with your own professional associations and then look at others. Many professional associations have issued position statements on the DNP, many not very positive. Is there a difference between what the advanced practice nurse associations have to say and administrative or educational associations?  

Finally, look at nursing journals. There have been many articles as well as letters to the editor regarding the pros and cons of the DNP.  

Share what you have found and whether it supports your decision to pursue a doctoral degree in nursing and a DNP, specifically. 

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