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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you have learned about locating, reading, and analyzing primary research articles on your selected topic used in assignment one. The annotated bibliography serves as a tool to help you better understand and analyze what you read. It will help you to identify potential interventions to address the problem within your topic. Completing the annotated bibliography will make the literature synthesis easier.
Directions: Submit an annotated bibliography addressing the specific criteria listed below. Create a title page using the format provided in the syllabus Appendix A.
The annotated bibliography for your approved topic includes:
a minimum of seven primary research articles related to your topic that have potential interventions to address the problem within your topic,
are peer-reviewed research articles,
and not more than six years old.
Conduct an online literature search for primary research articles related to your selected topic as described above. Use the education databases in the Alvin S. Sherman Library to ensure that the journals are peer-reviewed. Be sure to download the full text of each article and save it as a PDF. (You may highlight and take notes on the PDF to aid your analysis of the article.)
Check NovaCat: NSU’s library catalog of books, media, periodicals, and electronic resources. You can also browse our databases or try Full-Text Finder for the full text of a publication.
Search Education/Human Services Trends:
S E AR C H=d:%28education%29%20and%20%28trends%20%29&S O RT=D &searchscope=13
Provide a brief and concise description for each of the analysis areas in your own words. You are encouraged to use the MSL 687 Annotated Bibliography Template. Appendix B.
Appendix B
Annotated Bibliography Template
Format for an Online Scholarly Journal Article:
Author, A. (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), page range.
In your annotation, summarize the main points of the source. Be sure to summarize the main points using your own words. Do not copy and paste information directly from the source. Also explain how the source is relevant to your paper. Explain how this particular source will help you develop one or more of the main points in your essay.
Tip 1: Note that references are listed in alphabetical order.
Tip 2:APA does not require URLs when referencing online journal articles. Instead, find the DOI and cite as a hyperlink (ex: Always cite the DOI for online journal articles.
Reference List
References are listed in alphabetical order and follow the current APA format. The hanging indent looks like these two instruction items. Appendix/appendices pages start on a
new page following the References list (see section 2.13 in the APA manual for
additional information about appendices)
For each entry, use a hanging indent and single-spacing. To format for a hanging indent in MS Word, highlight the text, click on “Paragraph,” and on the “Indents and Spacing” page, choose “Hanging” under “Special.” Double-space entries.
Need more help formatting other types of sources?
Visit the APA Style Tutorial
Cite the words and ideas of others (e.g., paraphrasing and quotes). If you use the author’s exact words, use quotation marks, cite, and include the page number. If you paraphrased his/her ideas, cite the source. Failure to cite will result in a failing grade; plagiarism is not tolerated.
NOTE: Be sure to include a reference list following APA 7th edition format guidelines.
GRADING RUBRIC for Assignment Two
Met Partially Met Expectations Expections Expectations Not Met
Seven or more primary research articles annotated submitted |
More than seven primary articles annotated submitted (4 points) |
Seven primaryarticles annotated submitted (1-3 points) |
Fewer than seven primaryarticles were reviewed and/or were unrelated to the topic 0 |
Submission includes all required information |
Addressed all criteria in the template concisely and completely with no errors (6 points) |
Addressed almost all criteria in the template completely with few errors (1- 5 points) |
Did not address all criteria and/or information is missing and/or all copied from articles. 0 |
Employs appropriate composition, word usage, spelling, grammar, and mechanics |
No more than two errors per page (6 points) |
No more than five errors per page (1- 5 points) |
More than five errors per page. Content is incoherent. |
Generated: 4/18/2024
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Cites in the text and uses one-to- one correspondence in the references (i.e., avoiding plagiarism) |
No more than two errors in the assignment |
No more than five errors in the assignment |
More than five errors in the assignment or there are incomplete or missing citations, resulting in plagiarism. (This may result in a failing grade for the assignment.) 0 |
UsesAPA(7th ed.) format (i.e., citations & references) |
No more than two errors in the assignment |
No more than five errors in the assignment |
The assignment does not comply with APA (7th ed.) formatting |
American Psychological Association. (2020). Introducing the Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style tutorial: