The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and

The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and societal behavior to gain a deeper understand

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attached Assignment 2: Essay Prepare an essay of approximately 3,000 words on a topic of your choice. While a list of suggested topics is provided, you may choose a topic of your own after consultation with the course instructor. The object of this essay assignment is to develop your analytical abilities, critical faculties, and writing skills. Be sure to use your source materials appropriately and to document all references using one consistent documentation system such as MLA, APA, or Chicago style. Your essay must be typed and double-spaced. (Reminder: The information gathered in your first assignment should be a good starting point as you work on this essay.) Suggested Essay Topics 1. Why did Cartier receive a warm reception from the Mi’kmaq and Haudenosaunee peoples he encountered on his early voyages to the Atlantic coast of Canada? 2. What happened to the “Saint Lawrence Iroquois” between the voyages of Cartier and Champlain? 3. Why did Champlain find it so difficult to make progress into the heart of North America on his voyages in the early seventeenth century? 4. Account for the Haudenosaunee “Mourning War.” Why did other nations (like the Mi’kmaq) adopt the Haudenosaunee view of warfare? 5. Why did the Jesuits succeed in converting the Wendat people? 6. Why were the Five Nations Iroquois so successful in their destruction of Wendake (also known as Huronia) in 1649? 7. Why did the Haudenosaunee launch the attack on Wendake in the first place? 8. What happened to the Wendat people after their home was destroyed? 9. With the fall of the Wendat civilization, New France was left without an ally in the  pays d’en haut (the upper Great Lakes). To whom did the French turn for help? Why? 10. Why did the Ojibwa and Odaawa Nations trade furs with the French at Bawating, Michilimackinac, and Montreal? 11. Prepare a brief history of the “Fox Wars.” 12. What was life like at a Hudson’s Bay Post? 13. What role did the Odaawa and Ojibwa Nations play in the wars of the eighteenth century? 14. Write an account of Obwandiyag’s (also known as Pontiac) siege of the fort at Detroit OR the attack at Michilimackinac. 15. Why did Thayendanegea (or Joseph Brant) side with the British against the Americans? 16. In the early nineteenth century, many of the Odaawa and Ojibwa peoples of Michigan went to Manitoulin Island or to the new reserves in southern Lake Huron. Why? 17. What was life like at a residential school? 18. Discuss the nature of the contribution Louis Riel made to the history of the Canadian West. 19. What did Mistahimaskwa (also known as Big Bear) and Pitikwahanapiwiyin (also known as Poundmaker) hope to achieve by challenging the Dominion government? 20. Evaluate the choices First Nations peoples made during the treaty-making process. Choose a particular treaty as an example and determine whether or not the process was fair. 21. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian Act of 1876? 22. With reference to a particular land claims case, define the concept of land rights as it has been developed since the treaty-making process. How has this concept changed since the precontact period? 23. Will the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report benefit First Nations peoples? 24. How did the events at Oka in the summer of 1990 change the lives of Indigenous Peoples across Canada? 25. Account for the failure of the proposed First Nations Governance Act. 26. What important lessons can be drawn from the final report of the Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Committee? See the Assignment Schedule for the due date. Submit using the Dropbox.

attached Assignment 2: Essay Prepare an essay of approximately 3,000 words on a topic of your choice. While a list of suggested topics is provided, you may choose a topic of your own after consultation with the course instructor. The object of this essay assignment is to develop your analytical

  Analyze the specifics of the US healthcare system in terms of populations served, policy applied and funding available Implement quality measurement and process improvement programs to improve health outcomes. Apply sound project management principles to support the design of organizational processes.

  Analyze the specifics of the US healthcare system in terms of populations served, policy applied and funding available Implement quality measurement and process improvement programs to improve health outcomes. Apply sound project management principles to support the design of organizational processes.

Lion Electric Co. is a real Canadian-based business. Write a paper to provide an overview recommending to proceed with Lion Electric Co. to expand in Germany with complete evidence. Investigate Germany’s business opportunities for this Canadian-based business – Lion Electric Co. The paper will include three MAJOR parts:  An Executive Summary (business name, the product or service being considered, your recommendation – which is to expand in Germany) (1 page- double spaced) A Discussion of Labour Issues in Germany and how Lion Electric Co. will deal with them and overcome them to be able to expand in Germany. (4 pages – double spaced) A discussion on the advantages of expanding into Germany specifically  in regards to the labour environment in Germany. (2 pages – double spaced)

Lion Electric Co. is a real Canadian-based business. Write a paper to provide an overview recommending to proceed with Lion Electric Co. to expand in Germany with complete evidence. Investigate Germany’s business opportunities for this Canadian-based business – Lion Electric Co. The paper will include three MAJOR parts:  An Executive

Respond meaningfully to at least two of your peers. Base your response on your classmate’s review of the speech, and include the following: · Compare and contrast your peer’s response with your own. How was their analysis different than yours for each of the following? · Audience · Introduction · Body · Conclusion · Presentation Aids · Delivery · What methods did the speaker use that you could effectively use in a speech of your own? If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format. Estimated time to complete: 2 hours Response posts are worth  50% of your grade on this discussion.  Please review the rubric to ensure your peer responses meet the criteria . Hello Everyone:   Audience: What was the speaker’s target audience? How do you know? After watching the video, I noticed a mix of parents and grandparents, younger adults, and older adults. Some of the younger adults included moms and dads, and some came without spouses or partners; they could be single parents, but most probably, parenting techniques are part of their main concern and interest for attending this show.  Introduction: Identify the speaker’s attention-getter, topic, and thesis. Did the attention-getter grab your interest? Why or why not? What was the speaker’s thesis or central idea?  · Attention-Getter: I think she used different attention-getter techniques. Having baby Ari sit in his high chair with giggles at the beginning of the show brought laughs and joy to the audience, then introducing his dad and pointing to his role in demonstrating her central idea, which is a perfect anecdote. In addition, she raised a speculating question to challenge the audience if they ever knew that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world! Personally, I did not know that, and this daring question interested me in learning more about this experience. I think using baby “Ari” and his dad was an appropriate attention-getter human device; she used them as a reference to her main topic. · Topic: The speaker “Molly” said that she would be talking about some powerful things that grownups can do that can shape children and shape them as adults as well. · Thesis/Central Idea: I believe her thesis would be, “Thanks to scientists, we now know just how important the first five years are for our health and development, especially our brains.” What made me think this is her thesis is that she referred back to Ari and how he started to learn since he was in his mom’s tummy.   Body: How did the speaker support her claim (thesis)? The speaker started showing pictures of Ari’s family, including when his mom was pregnant and after he was born, which referred to the same thesis. Then, she explained how he was very tiny when born and that he was crying and pooping a lot. This statement is used to show how changes happened to this baby inside his brain to the point that now he laughs and giggles a lot. Which means he has grown and learned more than we think as parents. She supported her thesis with visual aids; she used beanbags to show the volume of a baby’s brain against the volume of a child’s brain. Molly, the speaker, is very clever because she included facts about brain development and how adults can help their children during their years of development. For example, the baby’s brain develops faster in its early years than in any other year, with the ability to create up to a million neural connections every second. Most importantly, she connected this fact with how adults and parents can help children during this sensitive time by explaining the Serve & Return strategy and its five important tips (connection, talking, playing, having a healthy home, and community). Scientists developed this strategy to promote healthy children’s development. Lastly, she further explained her thesis by exhibiting the strategy’s five points when baby Ari and his dad Amarjot demonstrated each of these points live to the audience. This experiment was very helpful in proving her thesis, demonstrating it in real life, showing immediate effects, and proving her credibility. Conclusion: Did the speaker end strongly? Why or why not?   Yes! The speaker’s ending was very strong. She not only explained the benefits of using these five tips but also demonstrated how they work. She reminded the audience of her thesis, the main points of her topic, and the serve and return strategy and encouraged them to practice them as early as possible and more often. The conclusion, which ended with cheers for Amarjot and Ari, was a positive sign of the success of her speech, especially when the audience stood up enthusiastically, cheering for her outstanding performance and delivery. Presentation Aids: Describe the presentation aids used by the speaker. Were they effective? Why or why not? The speaker’s aids were very effective and appropriate for the topic and the audience. Using the beanbags as a descriptive visual was a clever choice to show the difference between a baby’s and a child’s brains. Also, the short live video used to demonstrate the five tips of the Serve & Return strategy successfully and effectively demonstrated each point and how they worked. The video was the strongest aid in proving her thesis and credibility. In addition, she used scientific information that backed her central idea.  Delivery: Evaluate the delivery of the speech. What was done particularly well? I loved that the speaker was a 7-year-old child who demonstrated her ability to deliver a successful speech because her parents used the Serve & Return strategy. I enjoyed how she incorporated fun facts and appropriate jokes and stated how other kids in the world could be more fortunate if their parents did the same as her parents. What I enjoyed the most was the short live performance by baby Ari and his dad Amarjot, demonstrating how the strategy works and how it is successful. I believe all parts of the speech were done well; the introduction and attention-getter were appropriate for the topic and the audience. I enjoyed seeing the crowd standing up for the speaker, showing how much they enjoyed her informative speech. · Audience: The speaker’s audience is parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and anybody having interactions with kids or raising them. I think this is the audience because she is informing the audience that forming interactions and bonds with their kids, especially the first 5 years of their lives, is important to their growth. · Introduction: Her attention getter was when she stated, “Imagine a game of peek-a-boo could change the world” (Wright, 2021) and starting with the baby on stage before she comes out. The statement about peek-a-boo grabs my attention because it stimulates curiosity in me and encourages me to reflect on the topic. When I first heard this, I wondered how a game of peek-a-boo could change anything. Also, the story of her neighbor’s baby was part of the attention getter. This anecdote shows the beginning of the baby’s upbringing that shaped him, and it made it relatable. The topic of this speech is “the powerful things grown-ups can do that shape children and the adults they become” (Wright, 2021). Furthermore, the speaker’s central idea is that positive and nurturing interactions with kids during the first 5 years significantly impacts children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, laying the foundation for lifelong success and well-being. · Body: The speaker supported her claim by using how scientist proved how important the first 5 years of development was, saying how many connections the brain could make, breaking down the scientist “Serve and Return” method by breaking it down into the 5 things our development depends on (connecting, playing, talking, healthy home, and community), and showing how the interactions help the child with its future. · Conclusion: In my opinion the speaker ended strongly. I say this because she restated her main points and she made everything she said connect. Also, she included a call to action and left a lasting impression. The appeal to emotions with if the 30 seconds of no reaction was a lifetime situation and her being sad left an impression on me. I would want my child to feel safe and to trust me and if a game of peek-a-boo could change that, I would do it. Also, she left with an outro that was made to say she answered the questions on how peek-a-boo could change the world. · Presentations Aids: The presentation aids by the speaker include the baby and his father interacting (video aid), bean bags that showed us the different sizes of the brain at each stage (prop), and a colorful PowerPoint with little words (visual aid). Also, the PowerPoints included pictured that aided her words and pulled on my heart strings. All her presentation aids were effective to me because I got to see her main points being put into action. Seeing the difference between the father giving the baby attention through activities and taking the attention away was powerful. · Delivery: The speaker’s overall delivery was done in a fantastic way. The speaker appealed to emotions during the speech with her making them laugh and showing them how the interactions will benefit a child in real time. Also, as a 7-year-old, she spoke with clarity, and she stayed engaged with the audience. She even gave her speaker credibility with the fact she was a “7-year-old talking about brain science” (Wright, 2021). References: Wright, M. (2021, July). How every child can thrive by five [Video]. TED Conferences.  Reply

Respond meaningfully to at least two of your peers. Base your response on your classmate’s review of the speech, and include the following: · Compare and contrast your peer’s response with your own. How was their analysis different than yours for each of the following? · Audience · Introduction ·

Lion Electric Co. is a real Canadian-based business. Write a paper to provide an overview recommending to proceed with Lion Electric Co. to expand in Germany with complete evidence. Investigate Germany’s business opportunities for this Canadian-based business – Lion Electric Co. The paper will include three MAJOR parts:  An Executive Summary (business name, the product or service being considered, your recommendation – which is to expand in Germany) (1 page- single spaced) A Discussion of Labour Issues in Germany and how Lion Electric Co. will deal with them and overcome them to be able to expand in Germany. (4 pages – single spaced) A discussion on the advantages of expanding into Germany specifically  in regards to the labour environment in Germany. (2 pages – single spaced)

Lion Electric Co. is a real Canadian-based business. Write a paper to provide an overview recommending to proceed with Lion Electric Co. to expand in Germany with complete evidence. Investigate Germany’s business opportunities for this Canadian-based business – Lion Electric Co. The paper will include three MAJOR parts:  An Executive

see attachment  Module 4:  Content Mastery Testing  Instructions After studying and reviewing the concepts and practices of Module 4, answer the following questions: 1. A sample size of 35 scores has a mean score of 85 points with a standard deviation of 3.25 points.  Is there any statistical evidence that the grade population mean is less than 75 points (α = 5%)? Greater than 85 points (α = 10%) 2. A sample size of 49 students has a mean weight of 205 pounds with a standard deviation of 5.8 pounds. Find a 95% confidence interval for the weight population mean.  Is there any statistical evidence that the weight population mean is less than 200 pounds (α = 1%)? 3. The following data represents the annual average salary ($) of a sample of nine Social Workers. 42,640 41,830 46,990 50,690 40,950 41,460 48,670 40,090 44,720 · If the data comes from a normally distributed population with µ = $48,920,  Is there any statistical evidence that the average salary of Social Workers is less than $45,000 for a significance level of 10%?   Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. · Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded. · Your assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism.  · Justify any assumption and show all the steps to solve the exercises.  

see attachment  Module 4:  Content Mastery Testing  Instructions After studying and reviewing the concepts and practices of Module 4, answer the following questions: 1. A sample size of 35 scores has a mean score of 85 points with a standard deviation of 3.25 points.  Is there any statistical evidence that

see attachment  Theories of Motivation and Emotion Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: 1. Compare the six (6) major theories of motivation. 2. Distinguish between the psychological and the biopsychosocial theories of motivation. 3. Differentiate between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. 4. Contrast the three theories of emotion. 5. What is your point of view about the theories of motivation and emotion? Explain your answer.   Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · Contribute a minimum of 150 words for your initial post. It should include at least one academic source, formatted and cite in APA. · Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. Ask a question, and provide a different viewpoint.  

see attachment  Theories of Motivation and Emotion Instructions: After reading the required resources, answer the following questions: 1. Compare the six (6) major theories of motivation. 2. Distinguish between the psychological and the biopsychosocial theories of motivation. 3. Differentiate between extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. 4. Contrast the three theories

please see attachment Health Concepts HLTH185 Chapter 5 Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance and Chapter 6 Flexibility Name ___________________________________ Date _____________________________ For this activity, you will apply concepts from the chapters on “Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance” and “Flexibility”. You will develop a Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility program for the following patients.  Type entries, be specific, and use your textbook to support your recommendations using specific evidence. Attach additional pages if you need space. I have provided a case example below: Example: 20-Year-old ECSU volleyball student (female) with an old ACL injury needs to prepare for the upcoming season. She weighs 175lbs and is 5’9. She has no pre-existing medical conditions. Complains of pain when she doesn’t warm up. Patient# Description Age Weight Height Type of Strength Training needed Intensity and Time (reps) Equipment Flexibility/Stretching Suggestions Case Example Volleyball student with an old ACL injury. No existing medical conditions. 20 175lbs 5’9 Isometric exercises to warm up old ACL injury. Isotonic exercises to prepare joints for a full range of motion. p. 97 Minimum 5-10 reps for each exercise since she is a seasoned athlete. p.97-98 Free weights to engage muscles in both legs Weight machines, targeting specific muscles around the knees and legs Resistance Bands to work muscles while healing,99-101 Dynamic stretching to move joints through full range of motion to warm up for practice and pre-game Ballistic Stretching at the performance level on game night. (105-106) Case #1:  ECSU Student (age 23) who has a BMI OF 40 (severe obesity), weighing in at 290lbs and 5’2. He would like to lose 50 pounds as quickly as possible. He is suffering from High Blood Pressure and is having digestive issues. Case #2   70- year- old patient with partial amputation of right foot due to a car accident. Weight 140lbs, 5’7. Needs therapy for atrophy and strengthening of muscles. Case #3   ECSU athlete is preparing for the Fall 2022 football team and is trying to increase muscle strength and endurance for the upcoming season. Weight 200lbs, 6’4, 19 years old. Patient# Description Age Weight Height Type of Strength Training needed p.96-97 Intensity and Time (reps) p.97-98 Equipment 99-101 Flexibility/Stretching Suggestions (105-106) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Patient# Other comments or additional information (Caution: Do not leave this area blank) Case Example The patient needs to follow the doctor’s recommendations to prevent further ACL injury. It is important to perform stretching before and after every activity. On a weekly basis, she should work on strengthening muscles for optimal muscle movement. 1 2 3 2

please see attachment Health Concepts HLTH185 Chapter 5 Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance and Chapter 6 Flexibility Name ___________________________________ Date _____________________________ For this activity, you will apply concepts from the chapters on “Developing Muscular Strength and Endurance” and “Flexibility”. You will develop a Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility program for

see attachment  Module 4:  Discussion Forum: Hypothesis Testing Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using hypothesis testing with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog or article. 2. Write at least two paragraphs. 3. The paragraph must have at least 3 sentences. 4. Read your classmates blogs and select two of them to discuss. 5. Establish a dialogue with them. General Instructions for the Discussion Forum 1. Post your answer as established by your instructor on the course calendar. Your comments must be written in your own words. You can offer examples and quotes to support your proposals. Citations of other authors must be properly documented (author’s name, title, date, etc.). 2. Post your comments to the response of at least two (2) of your classmates on or before the day set by your instructor on the course calendar. Your reaction may be based on personal experiences, study material, or additional information obtained from the  Online Library  or others, and may include: · Some understanding received from what is published that synthesizes the information and offers new perspectives or suggestions. · The validation or rejection of the idea (supported by your experience or research).  · New information that broadens, adds or contrasts perspectives (based on reading and evidence).  3. Remember that your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet. You must respect the intellectual property of the authors and not commit plagiarism. 4. Examine the criteria used to evaluate your assignment to find out how to get the highest grade for your work. The assignments are graded or evaluated through rubrics or by the distribution of points. 5. Before submitting your entry, read your message several times. This will ensure that it contains the exact information you want to communicate.   Remember to review the  academic expectations  for your submission. Submission Instructions: · Submit your initial discussion post by 11:59 PM Eastern on Wednesday.   · Contribute a minimum of 350 words for your initial post. It should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. · Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday. Ask a question, and provide a different viewpoint.  

see attachment  Module 4:  Discussion Forum: Hypothesis Testing Instructions This space has been created for you to share the link of a newspaper or blog article that discusses the importance for companies of using hypothesis testing with your classmates. 1. Write a summary about the blog or article. 2. Write

For this lesson, please submit the first round of your analysis and critique essay: your paper’s introduction and first discussion section. When drafting and organizing your first two pages, consider the model outlined in the previous content pages: Introduction Lead-In Personal Narrative with connection to focus topic Thesis Statement – (Topic + Assertion) Discussions (add 1-2 from your subtopics) Review the following Writing Toolkit sections: Introduction, Titles, Discussion(body) Sections, Directly Quoting, Partially Quoting, Paraphrasing Topic Sentence/Point Explanation or Interpretation Example Significance See Graphic for Writing the Research Essay Steps To read more about this assignment’s requirements, please review this content page: Writing Toolkit: Writing the Analysis and Critique Essay. Would you like to see a model? Here you go! Remember that, as stated in the syllabus, you must show evidence of the writing process, and submitting your rough drafts as assigned fulfills that requirement. I reserve the right to refuse to evaluate any paper that did not show evidence of the writing process.

For this lesson, please submit the first round of your analysis and critique essay: your paper’s introduction and first discussion section. When drafting and organizing your first two pages, consider the model outlined in the previous content pages: Introduction Lead-In Personal Narrative with connection to focus topic Thesis Statement –

Required Course Texts The NEW Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano ASCD 2017 Find engagement strategies and ideas from Chapter 7 and the video and article that you could add to your upcoming Learning Management Plan for Module 7 Project Overview  ***you are creating a powerpoint This module, we will be looking at classroom  learning management.  Classroom management is about leadership, responsibility, and engagement, not controlling behavior. First, let’s think about how we can positively affect lives ….engagement , trust, and motivation are the best classroom management strategies. So….let’s make a Toast for Change ! You will be reviewing the learning materials for this module and then completing a classroom management plan through a professional development PowerPoint format for new/and changing  teachers. Learning Materials Read chapters 8 and 9 and 10 in your textbook.  You will use the strategies from these  chapters as a resource for your plan. Then you will choose and article from the November 2023 ASCD Educational Leadership journal on : The Challenge of Challenging Behavior Watch the PowerPoint below on classroom management to help you create your management plan: Watch the PP on Learning Management in the Module Learning Materials Then watch our last scene from Freedom Writers to inspire you to create a classroom culture that changes lives….Make a Toast for Change! Be sure to note the last video in this PP from Freedom Writers about Making a Toast for Change. You will be asked to include your “toast for change ” in your final reflection. Plan/PowerPoint *******Instructions Make sure to review the information provided on the Learning Materials page. Create a  classroom management/learning  plan  in  media format with visuals  that you could use to train others such as a PP or Prez for your current  or future classroom  OR create  professional development PP for new teachers– Be sure to reference the chapters and your own research in your plan. This is a management plan based on the art and science of teaching .  it includes strategies from chapters 8, 9 and 10 and is based on engagement and research based instruction and planning. This is NOT a list of rules.  Organize into following categories: 1)Philosophy and theory on management, policy and procedures, and relationships ( chapter 9 ) 2) Strategies for creating  an engaging classroom and learning environment including arrangement, transitions, and  Strategies for building character and dispositions and habits of mind for success and from from chapters 8 , 9, and 10.  3) Include strategies and methods for managing teacher stress and mental health as teachers strive to be successful educators in a difficult world. 4) Use resources from the ASCD journal edition on Challenging Behaviors  All of the above are on the website and in textbook chapters. Articles are included in the Learning Materials  and you may also choose articles from ASCD, NEA, EDUTOPIA , and many others: 4)Choose a poster or two to use for your classroom !  Look online  5) Then SHARE your PP in the Discussion on Saturday to receive feedback and do final edits for Sunday upload  NOTE ; BE SURE TO ADD THE LINK TO ANY VIDEOS ON THE SLIDE. EMBEDDED VIDEOS OFTEN DO NOT TRANSFER. ALSO ATTACH THE PP IN THE ASSIGNMENT. DO NOT UPLOAD IT AS A FILE. IT WILL CONVERT IT TO A PDF. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ADD A VOICE OVER. THIS IS NOT A PRESENTATION. 

Required Course Texts The NEW Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano ASCD 2017 Find engagement strategies and ideas from Chapter 7 and the video and article that you could add to your upcoming Learning Management Plan for Module 7 Project Overview  ***you are creating a powerpoint This module,