Step 1: Read the article below. For additional info on

Step 1: Read the article below. For additional info on totipotency and pluripotency, you can also use the info in the second pdf.

(direct link to article: (Links to an external site.)

Totipotent vs. pluripotent cells.pdf 

Actions (use as supplementary info)

Step 2: Create word document or PDF answering the following questions. Please note the following before you begin:

– Do not submit a .pages file–it will not go through Turnitin. 

– Review the rubric below. This is the rubric the TA’s will use to grade your submission. 

– Be sure to write in complete sentences, and label each answer so it is clear which question you are answering. It is fine to number your answers.

(1) What was the main conclusion of the study conducted by Kooreman et al (2018)? List a least two specific results from the study to support this main conclusion. (10 points)

*Note: see rubric for distinction between conclusion and results. 

(2) Are iPS cells totipotent or pluripotent? How do you know? What is the difference between each of these cell types? (5 points)

(3) Describe one implication of the research in this article for future studies on patient-specific cancer treatments. (5 points)

Grading Rubric

ExcellentModerateNeeds Improvement

Question (1)

Main conclusion is worth 4 points total (2 points = conclusion comes from the article and 2 points = conclusion is supported from the article)

Result #1: worth 3 points

Result #3: worth 3 points

10-8 points

Student lists a conclusion that is a big picture idea. Conclusions connect smaller individual results together into a larger concept or point in the paper. Conclusion should include a major finding from the research. 

Results should be specific outcomes of the experiments in the article. Results are clearly from the article and logically explained. Two separate, specific results from experiments are listed.

There are no block quotes; student has paraphrased or used minimal quoting (with in-text citations) to explain ideas. 

7-4 points

Student only lists one conclusion, or one conclusion is confusing or difficult to discern. Connection between conclusion and specific results is unclear, or specific results are cited as a conclusion. 

AND/OR: Student uses block quotes rather than re-writing in their own words. 

3-0 points

Student does not list conclusions from the article, or quality of writing hinders grader’s ability to assess the student’s ideas. Conclusion is not described, or only specific results are listed. 

Question (2)

2.5 points = totipotent or pluripotent?

2.5 points = Explanation

5-4 points

Student clearly and accurately states whether iPS cells are totipotent or pluripotent, then accurately uses information from class and/or the article to support this idea. In this explanation, student describes at least 1 difference between these cell types.

3-2.5 points

Student does not clearly and/or accurately state whether iPS cells are totipotent or pluripotent. 

OR: Student states this correctly, but explanation is unclear or definitions are difficult to discern/inaccurate.

2.5-0 points

Student does not clearly and/or accurately state whether iPS cells are totipotent or pluripotent. 

AND: OR: Student states this correctly, but explanation is unclear or definitions are difficult to discern/inaccurate.

Question (3)

5 points = implication

5-4 points

Implications are future applications or consequences of this work. Implication from article is accurate and well described. 

There are no block quotes; student has paraphrased or used minimal quoting (with in-text citations) to explain ideas. 

3-2 points

Implication is from article, but is difficult to discern or not well described.

AND/OR: Student uses block quotes rather than re-writing in their own words. 

1-0 points

Implication is NOT from the article, or not described at all. OR: something else other than an implication is described. 

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