Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 from the course textbook, the Law and Health Policy (Links to an external site.) web page, and review this week’s Instructor Guidance.

Using the course textbook as your source, choose one of the chronic conditions found in Chapters 3 through 10 and then answer the bulleted prompts below. For this discussion, you will write your initial post on one of the three Bronfenbrenner’s ecological models as assigned in the table.

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of Human DevelopmentFirst Initial of Last Name:


 Write your response based on your interpretation of what you read and your personal or professional experiences with the chosen health condition. Your post must be a minimum of 250 words in length.

 Identify the chronic condition.

  • Discuss the biopsychosocial (biological/genetic, psychological, social) factors that influence the patient’s experience with the chronic condition chosen.
  • Explain how your assigned system from Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of Human Development (see Chapter 1 Section 6) affects the onset and management of the chronic disease. For example,
    • If you are assigned the micro-system, explain the role immediate family members and coworkers have in the onset of the disease (negative influence) as well as in positively managing (improving the person’s health) once disease is diagnosed.
    • If you are assigned meso-system, give examples, and explain why the patient may start or stop activities (e.g., entertainment, volunteering, sporting activities, etc.) within their greater social circle and community due to the health condition.
    • If you are assigned macro-system, provide a summary of two laws that are in place to support the patient in their daily lives as well as one law that needs to be improved to better support the patient, family or both.

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